3-17. different.
[These things are different.] = These things are not the same.
[I want this kind of thing, but you want something different.]
3-18. make, makes, to make, making, made.
[J made K.] = J did something to some things and caused them to become parts of one different kind of thing that was not here before. K is this thing that now exists because of this.
[I used many small things to make this big thing.]
[J made K happen.] = J caused K to happen.
3-19. contain, contains, to contain, containing, contained.
[J contains K.] = K is inside J.
[I made something to contain all these small things.]
[Your body contains many parts.]
3-20. container, containers.
[X is a container.] = X is something that people make because they want to use it to contain other things.
[There are two things inside this container.]
Someone made these containers.
Each contains __________.