a =
- (See 3-08).
- (See in a place 1-25).
- (See on a side 1-27).
- (See at a time 2-14).
- (See a long time 2-16).
- (See a short time 2-17).
- (See in a moment 2-26).
- Each.
abbreviation = You write some parts but not all parts of a long word. When someone sees what you wrote, they know it means the same as this long word.
ability = What someone can do.
about =
- (See say about 1-29).
- (See think about 2-07).
- (See know about 2-08).
- Thinking or saying what this thing is, what it does, and what happens to it.
- Near.
- Around.
- A short time before.
- Very much like but not the same as and not more than.
- Not much more than or much less than.
abroad = Inside a different country that is not your country.
absence = When someone or something is absent.
absent =
- Not here.
- Not in this place.
accept =
- You allow someone to do something or give you something because you think it is good for you more than bad.
- When someone says they want you to do something and you say you will do it.
- Knowing something is true when you do not want it to be true.
acceptable = You allow this because you think it is good more than bad.
accident = Someone causes something bad to happen, but not because they tried to make it happen. It happens when people do not expect it to happen, and because they do not expect it, they do not do things that can prevent it.
accidental = You cause something to happen, but you did not try to make it happen.
accordance =
- Doing the same as someone says.
- Doing what a rule says.
according to =
- This is what this person said.
- Doing what a rule says.
- If one becomes more or less, the other does the same.
account =
- Something you say or write to tell what someone did or what caused something to happen.
- Something you write that shows the amount of money someone has, the amount of money they gave someone, or the amount of money they need to give someone.
ache = Something hurts for a long time, but it does not hurt very much.
achieve = Something good happens because someone does something for a long time or because someone does something difficult.
achievement = Something you achieve.
acid = This is a kind of chemical like the chemical that makes fruit taste sour. This chemical can make holes in things it touches. Mixing this chemical and another chemical can make salt.
across =
- On one side and above and on the other side of this thing.
- Something moved from one side of this thing to the other side.
act =
- Doing something.
- When someone says and does things that sound and look like other people to tell a story.
action = Moving or doing something.
active =
- Doing many things.
- Causing something to change.
activity = Moving or doing things.
actor = Someone who says and does things that sound and look like other people to tell a story.
actual =
- This is true.
- You are saying something about a thing that exists.
add =
- (See 12-13).
- Cause to become more.
addition =
- When you put something more in a place.
- When you know the number of things inside a group before, and you know the number of things you put into the group, and you do something with these numbers to know the number of things inside the group now.
address =
- Say something to.
- The name or number someone can use to find a building or person.
adjective = This kind of word says something about what a person or place or thing is like.
admiration = When you admire someone or something.
admire = When you think someone or something is very good.
admit =
- You say something is true when maybe you do not want to say this.
- Allow someone to be inside a place.
admittance = Allow someone to be inside a place.
advance =
- Move towards something.
- Become good more than before.
- Happening before this other thing.
advanced =
- This is good more than before.
- This is like what someone wants more than before.
advantage = This is good for one person more than it is good for another person.
adventure = You do something that is not like something you did before. This causes you to think and feel very much.
adverb = This kind of word says something more about these words: words that tell you what happens and words that tell you what a person or place or thing is like.
advertise = You tell many people that you have something you want someone to buy.
advertisement = What you tell people when you advertise.
advice = What you tell someone to say this: If they do this one thing, you think it is good for them, but if they do other things, you think it is less good for them.
advise = When you give someone advice.
affair =
- Something that happens.
- What a person does and thinks about.
- When a person marries one person but does something sexual with another person.
affect = You do something that causes things not to be the same as before.
afford = You have the money you need to buy something.
after =
- (See 2-24).
- When you see someone move to another place, then you move to this same place.
- Because.
afternoon = The part of each day that happens between these two times: the time several hours after most people stop sleeping and the time several hours before most people start sleeping.
afterwards = Happening after this other time.
again = Something happens, and after this another thing happens that is the same as what happened before.
against =
- Try to cause something not to happen because you do not want it to happen.
- Doing something to this thing that is like something that can hurt or damage it.
- Move towards something that moves towards you.
- Touching.
- Comparing this with another thing.
age =
- The number of days or years this thing exists or is alive before now.
- A long time.
agree =
- You say you promise to do the thing that this other person wants you to do.
- You say you think the same thing as this other person thinks.
agreement = What people agree to do.
ahead =
- In front of.
- Towards the place in front of you.
- Moving to a place or doing something before another person who wants to do the same.
- Before.
aim =
- Try to cause something to happen.
- What you do because you want to be able to make something move and hit something you see.
aircraft = A vehicle that can fly.
airport = Place on the surface of the ground where people move things into and out of many aircraft before and after they fly.
alike =
- The same as.
- Very similar.
almost =
- A short time before.
- Very much like, but not the same as and not more than.
alone =
- You are not near another person who will help you.
- Not near another.
- There is not another.
along =
- Near.
- Near this one long thing at all times when you are moving from one place to another.
aloud = Saying something that another person can hear.
alphabet = This is a group of different shapes. You draw many of these shapes when you write words. When someone reads words, each shape can tell them a sound that is part of a word.
already =
- Before now.
- Before this time.
also =
- Another one like this.
- More than this.
although = When people hear this one thing, maybe they will think something that is not the same as what they will think after hearing this other thing.
altogether =
- All parts of this.
- When you think about all of this.
always =
- At all times.
- At each time.
am, are =
- (See 1-05).
- Kind of.
- Exists.
- In a place.
among =
- In the same place near these others.
- Inside the same group.
- Each is given some of this.
amuse =
- Do or think about something you enjoy for some time.
- Do things that make someone laugh.
amusement =
- What you feel when things amuse you.
- Things you enjoy doing.
amusing = You enjoy this and it makes you laugh.
ancient = Happening or existing a very long time before now.
angle =
- The place where two straight marks are touching.
- The place where two flat surfaces are touching.
- Number used to measure the distance between two straight marks that are touching in one place.
- One end of this straight thing is above the other end but more near to one side.
ankle = Part of the body where two long leg bones connect to the foot.
announce = You say something and cause many people to hear this because you want many people to know something.
annoy = You do something that someone does not want. Maybe you do it many times. It is not something very bad, but this someone does not want you to do it another time after now.
annoyance = Something annoying.
annoying = Something happens that you do not want. Maybe it happens many times. It is not something very bad, but you do not want it to happen another time after now.
answer = You say something to a person because the person told you they want to know something.
ant = Kind of very small animal that has six legs and a hard body surface. These animals live near the ground, and very many of them live in the same place. People think these animals do very much work.
anxiety = Feeling anxious.
anxious =
- You are thinking very often about something you fear, and thinking this feels bad for you, but it is difficult not to think about.
- You feel very much that you want to do something or that you want something to happen.
any =
- Each.
- Some.
- Some of these.
- More than this.
- After this.
anybody =
- Some person.
- Each person.
- Someone.
anyhow =
- Someone told you something they think can cause you to do one thing, but you decide to do another thing.
- Not careful.
anyone =
- Some person.
- Each person.
- Someone.
anything =
- Something.
- Each thing.
- Some of these things.
anywhere =
- In a place.
- In one of these places.
apart =
- Not near.
- Distance between.
- Something was part of one thing before, but now it is not part of this thing and is not touching this thing.
apartment = One of several parts inside a big building. Inside each, some people live and eat and sleep.
apparatus = Group of things and small machines that people connect to do something people want.
appear =
- You can see something now that you could not see before.
- What you think about something when you see it.
appearance =
- When something can be seen in a place.
- What something looks like.
apple = Kind of fruit tree. The fruit is round and hard. The fruit has a surface that is red or green or yellow. The inside part of the fruit is white. People eat this fruit, or they press it to make a liquid to drink.
appoint = Choose someone to do a kind of work for some time.
approval = When you approve.
approve =
- You think something is good.
- You say you will allow this.
arch = Part of a building that has a shape like part of a circle. The top of this circle is above people inside the building, and the sides are less high.
area =
- A place or part of a place.
- Amount of a flat surface.
argue =
- Because someone does not want to do the same thing you want them to do, you tell them things that you think will make them do what you want, and maybe you are angry when you say these things.
- Because you want someone to think something is true, you tell them things that you think will cause people to decide this is true.
argument = When people argue.
armour, (armor) = Soldiers use metal or other things to make a hard surface around their bodies, because this can prevent damage if something hits them.
arms =
- (See 7-07).
- Things people make inside one country because they can be used to cause many people to die inside another country.
army =
- Group of many soldiers.
- Group of many people trying to cause the same thing.
around =
- (See 6-16).
- Near.
- In different parts of this place.
- Not much more than or much less than.
- The front turns towards the place that was near the back.
arrange =
- You plan where and when you want something to happen, and you do things to make this happen.
- You tell someone where and when you plan to do something, and they say they will do the same.
- You put things in the places where you want them.
arrangement = Something you arrange.
arrival = When things arrive.
arrive = The moment when this thing moves into this place. Before this moment, it was not in this place.
art =
- Something beautiful that people make.
- You are able to do this because you learned to do something that many other people cannot do.
article =
- One thing.
- One piece of writing that says what you think about something. This is one part of a group of several pieces of writing.
- Word that says if one thing is the same thing someone said something about before or another thing.
artificial =
- Something people make that looks like a living thing or that is like some other thing that people cannot make.
- Not the same as what you see.
as =
- (See the same as 1-05).
- These things are the same.
- Comparing this with another.
- Like.
- Because.
- When.
- What you think about this.
- But.
as opposed to = Comparing these two things and saying what is different about them.
ash =
- When something burns and becomes many very small dry pieces that moving air can cause to move.
- Kind of tree.
ashamed =
- You feel bad because you did something bad before, and now you think about what you did and want it not to be true.
- You want other people not to know that you did this bad thing.
aside =
- Towards one side.
- All these things but not this one.
association =
- People who are parts of the same group because they want to do the same things and help other people inside this group do these same things.
- You often think about this one thing at the same times when you think about this other thing.
at =
- (See at a time 2-14).
- (See look at 4-12).
- In this place.
- Time when something happens.
- Towards a place.
- Because of.
- When.
- When you do this.
- Something you say about this.
attack =
- Try to hurt someone or damage something.
- Try to change something.
attempt = Try to cause this thing to happen.
attend =
- When you are in a place at the expected time.
- When you help someone or help do something.
attendance =
- The number of people in a place.
- Being in a place at the expected time.
attention = Thinking about what you see and hear. Thinking about this for some time and not thinking about other things.
attitude =
- What you feel when you think about something.
- What other people see you do because of what you are thinking about and feeling.
attract =
- These people or things cause someone to want to see them and be near them and think about them.
- This causes something to move towards it.
attractive = These things attract someone.
aunt =
- Woman who has the same parent as one of your parents.
- Woman who is married to a man who has the same parent as one of your parents.
authority =
- Government rules say this person can control things and decide what other people can do.
- Someone who knows very much about something.
autumn = Three months that are after the hot part of a year and before the cold part of a year.
available =
- This thing is here.
- You can have this thing.
- You can do something with this thing.
average =
- Like most things that are this kind.
- This number multiplied by the number of groups is the same as the number of things inside all of these groups.
avoid =
- Try not to do something.
- Try not to be near to something.
away =
- Not here.
- Moving more far from this place.
- Distance between.
- In a place where other things cannot damage this thing.
awkward =
- You cannot easily move parts of your body.
- Doing this or using this is difficult.
- People saw or heard you do something that you did not want them to know about, and now when you are near them you feel bad because you think maybe they are thinking something bad about you because of this.